Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March Lead One Spotlight


Patrick Horst
Jay Aragon
Jordan Barnes
Paul Walker
Ben Douthart
Clint Ferguson
Garrett Flickinger
Travis Libbert
Ryan Webster
Jackson Tranel
Gunner Trannel
Braxton Morrison
Loren Moffitt
Chris Rich
Joey Seidel
Sam Sauer
Michael Nederhoff
Wes Lyons
Ben Stainbrook
Ryan Abernathy
Nolan Edwards
Ian Storey

Mark: This month I've chosen a group of 22 Vinton-Shellsburg Vikings for our Lead One Spotlight. Please take a minute and visit the website that explains all about the Viking 300 Challenge.

Mark: How do you feel our style of training compares to anything else you've ever done?

Vikings: "The best strength training I've done yet." "It's much more demanding in a shorter time." "It seems to be a more intense workout than I'm used to." "It's more endurance based."

Mark: Can you see any benefit as an athlete to this type of workout? If so, what?

Vikings: "Yes, more explosive and stronger." "Yes, it will make us stronger, faster and less easily injured."

Mark: What have you learned about yourself from doing our workouts that you didn't know before?

Vikings: "I can be pushed harder than I thought I could." "I need to work on my endurance more." I can compete well with other guys even though I'm not as big as some of them." I am mentally tougher than I thought I was."

Mark: What words best describe your experience with the Kettlebell Advantage?

Vikings: "This is one of the best things I've ever done." "Intense." "Fun." "Challenging." "Worth it."

From the Trainer...

Over the past few weeks it's been very rewarding for me to be able to introduce several of our High School athletes to a type of training I believe can really help with their overall physical development.

I give these guys credit for taking the challenge and trying something new. Many of these young men are involved in several activities a long with daily school work. For them to make the commitment to attend the workouts after having already been to track practice, baseball, speech, and the list goes on truly shows they are willing to work hard to achieve their goals. They have earned my respect over the last 4 weeks as they have prepared for the final testing on March 21st.

I think many of the participants have a better understanding of how we can mold them into a better athlete no matter what sport they choose to do. We don't isolate muscles, instead we teach their bodies to work together as one unit. The same is true for all movements in athletics. To kick, throw, swing , jump or run it takes several muscles working together to get maximum output. Everything we do teaches this kind of movement and coordination while giving them the endurance to outlast the opponent.

Do me a favor the next time you see one of these guys and give them the credit they deserve for taking the Viking 300 Challenge. If it were easy everyone would have done it!

Let's make these athletes Proud to be a Viking!


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February Lead One Spotlight

Name: Tina Vasquez
Occupation: Vinton-Shellsburg 1st grade Teacher
Favorite Exercise: Kettlebell Snatches
Member Since: July 2008

Mark: How did you first hear about us?

Tina: A friend told me about kettlebells. She and her teenage daughter were kettlebell members. She suggested that I go to the kettlebell advantage website to learn more about it.

Mark: What made you decide to give Kettlebells a try?

Tina: After visiting your website and reading the testimonials I knew I had to come and find out for myself.

Mark: How do you feel our Kettlebell workouts compare to anything else you’ve ever done?

Tina: With other workouts I felt I was either just getting a mediocre cardio workout or a mediocre strength-training workout. I had not figured out a way to incorporate both into one workout and keep up the intensity that I needed to see the results I wanted. Over time I would get bored with the “same old” workouts. Kettlebells is a complete workout! I am definitely getting a great cardio and a great strength-training workout in one. You do a great job of varying exercises to make each workout different and challenging. I like how you are always helping us improve on our techniques so that we are getting the most out of every workout. Your website offers great information and motivation too.

Mark: Do you think working out with a group is different than working out on your own? If so, how?

Tina: I need the motivation and encouragement of a group workout. The group setting motivates me to “stick with it”.

Mark: You’re a busy wife, mother of two small children and work full time as a teacher. How do you find time to attend our workouts?

Tina: Kettlebells has many different time slots for attending classes. It works best for me to come early in the morning before my family is awake. Kettlebells is my time for me. I feel like it fuels the rest of my day.

Mark: Speaking of your profession, do you notice any benefits from our workouts in your everyday job?

Tina: I have more energy! It feels good to be taking care of my health. I think this spills over into how I feel about my job and my whole outlook on my life.

Mark: OK. Everyone wants results. Have you or anyone else close to you noticed any results yet?

Tina: I can’t believe how much stronger I am than when I first started in July. I remember when you were showing us how to do the kettlebell exercises at my intro class and I wasn’t sure I would be able to do it. I am amazed at how quickly I’ve improved under your guidance. I am working out at a much higher intensity level than I have in years. My husband has really noticed a difference in how much more toned I am becoming. I still have fitness goals that I am working toward, but kettlebells has really got me moving in the right direction. When I start to see results it helps motivate me to continue!

Mark: How do you justify the additional cost with personal instruction compared to a regular gym membership with no instruction or guidance?

Tina: Personal instruction encourages me, motivates me, and helps guide me so that I am improving in technique and towards my fitness goals. Having a gym membership alone has never provided that for me. Enjoying coming to workouts, getting a good workout and finding something that is working is worth the additional cost for me.

Mark: Lastly, what advice would you give to someone trying to decide if our Kettlebell workouts are something they should try?

Tina: I would suggest that they talk to you or go to your website. I would encourage them to talk to other members. They definitely should check it out in person too!

From the Trainer...

First of all I want to say I'm very excited about the opportunity to choose one client each month who will be highlighted here. Let me say a few words about why I picked Tina to be in our Lead One Spotlight this month.

At the beginning of 2009 I encouraged all my clients at the Kettlebell Advantage to increase the number of workouts they attend each week. Tina accepted without hesitation and on average I see her at least 4 days a week and many times she participates in up to 5 workouts weekly.

I think one of the things I like most about Tina is the fact she gets to positively influence young children everyday being a 1st Grade Teacher in the Vinton Shellsburg school district. With so much talk these days about childhood obesity and all the other medical conditions associated with it, I see Tina as someone who is taking an active approach with her health and fitness. That to me is one of the best ways to help others. We like to refer to it as Lead by Example. I can't help but think if Tina is working towards and achieving some of her fitness goals it will directly affect everyone around her.

I'm very proud to have Tina as a client at the Kettlebell Advantage and if you're fortunate enough to have her influence your child everyday you too should be proud. Great Job Tina!

Lead One, Mark